Unveiling of the Peace Monument “Flame of Peace” in Purbach in Burgenland

On the occasion of the World Day of Peace, the Flame of Peace monument was ceremoniously unveiled in Purbach in Burgenland.
Thank you all involved that this beautiful celebration could take place for the international World Day of Peace. 🙌
Mayor Purbach, Deputy Mayor Purbach, the tradition Austria and comrades of the ÖKB, Sabine Schwarz and all municipal staff, Musikkapelle Purbach, all sponsors, the two art locksmiths Frank and Human from Purbach, the stone from the company Kummer from Oslip, the place of Jacobs, Father Schwarz for the blessing, Mag. Steindl for the music composition – 🙏Thank you, it was a wonderful celebration.

Location: Purbach am Neusiedler See, Österreich

Date: 23.09.2021

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