The 'Flame of Peace' Award

The 'Flame of Peace' is presented to people who bear responsibility for people, countries, peoples, cultures, nature and the environment. With this external sign courage and strength is given for the responsible task that each person has taken on. With peace and joy to carry out his activity, to radiate security and reliability, to show consistency in all matters, the flame should remind every day.

Presentations of the
'Flame of Peace' Award

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Presentation of the Flame of Peace to Chevalier...
Presentation of the “Flame of Peace” to the...
➡️ Promoter of musical exchange between Austria, China,...
Unveiling of the FlameofPeace Peace Monument in Casalbore,...
Presentation of the FlameofPeace Awards and commemorative medals...
Presentation of the Peace Award – Flame of...
FlameofPeace Award for Dr. Hong, Founder of TAI...
President George Vella received the ‘Flame of Peace...
15 years Villach Citizen Guard, presentation of the...
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